What Causes Black Mould & Condensation?

What Causes Black Mould & Condensation?

Posted by des, With 0 Comments, Category: Black Mould,
Daily activities such as cooking, washing and drying clothes, showering, etc produces large amounts of moisture which becomes trapped in our over-insulated homes. This is in addition to the one and half litres of water moisture each adult exhales per night.

This build up of moisture within the home will show itself in many ways though it may remain undetected elsewhere until damage is done. In both cases the accumulation of moisture provides the ideal growing environment for mold spores, microbes and dust mites.

You may first notice streaming condensation on your bedrooms windows on cold mornings ...eventually this moisture feeds the Aspergillis fungus known more commonly as black mold. Slowly black spots will appear, eventually damaging wallpaper, curtains and blinds with significant replacement costs

At this stage a musty mildew smell will be present - this may lead to a costly infestation of wardrobes resulting in the unnecessary disposal of valuable items of clothing. The mold can then contaminate other rooms in your home meaning further expensive redecoration.

Left untreated, the mold will go on to colonise room corners, walls and ceilings especially in bedrooms.

It is important to reduce the high moisture content of bedrooms and other living areas to a healthy 50% – 60% moisture content … many houses showing symptoms of contamination have high moisture content readings.

The Drimaster/Flatmaster system therefore improves both the air quality for the occupants as well the building fabric. In addition, many landlords have found their maintenance costs greatly reduced by the benefits of Drimaster/Flatmaster systems.